Baylor has a rich tradition of philanthropy among its parents – a tradition that benefits our students through scholarships, faculty positions, and campus programs that are the result of that giving. As a top-tier research University, Baylor is uniquely positioned to discover solutions to the significant challenges facing our world today by using teaching and research viewed through a Christian lens and fueled by a desire to serve others.
We would love to talk to you further about your philanthropic goals and share how you can come alongside Baylor in this work.
Annual Gifts
Gift Amount:
$5-$4,999 Annually
Annual gifts to the Baylor Parent Fund support programming in Student Life, Student Success and University Libraries. Make a gift to the Baylor Parent Fund Here.
Leadership Annual Gifts
Gift Amount:
$5,000-$9,999 Annually
Leadership level annual gifts can be applied to support Excellence Funds across campus that enhance campus programming or academic units.
Major Gifts
Gift Amount:
$10,000+ Annually for 5 years
Named Endowed Funds - permanent funds that can be established to support scholarships, programs, and faculty chairs.
Capital Improvements – expendable funds that support facility growth and renovation and may include naming opportunities.